The Shrubbery

Rhaphiolepis Snow Maiden Ball 330mm pot size TOPIARY


Rhaphiolepis is a genus of evergreen shrubs and small trees in the Rosaceae family, native to Asia. Here is an overview of its horticultural requirements:

Climate requirements: Rhaphiolepis prefers a Mediterranean or subtropical climate, with mild winters and warm summers. It is adaptable to a range of temperatures, but does not tolerate extreme heat or cold.

Watering: Rhaphiolepis prefers moderate watering, with deep and infrequent watering being the best practice. It does not tolerate waterlogged soils, so well-draining soil is important.

Soil type: Rhaphiolepis prefers well-draining soils, and is adaptable to a range of soil types including sandy, loamy, and clay soils. It prefers slightly acidic to neutral soils.

Fertilising: Rhaphiolepis benefits from regular applications of a balanced fertiliser during the growing season. Avoid over-fertilising, as this can lead to excessive growth and reduced flowering.

Pest & Diseases: Rhaphiolepis is generally pest and disease resistant. However, it can be susceptible to root rot in poorly drained soils, and occasional infestations of scale or aphids.

Pruning: Rhaphiolepis can be pruned in late winter or early spring to remove dead or damaged wood, and to shape the plant as desired. Avoid heavy pruning, as this can reduce flowering.

Propagation: Rhaphiolepis can be propagated by softwood or semi-hardwood cuttings taken in summer, or by layering in late winter or early spring.

Landscape Uses: Hedge or screening plant, foundation plantings, mass plantings, container plant and accent plant.

Cultivars: Rhaphiolepis ‘Oriental Pearl’, Rhaphiolepis ‘Springtime’, Rhaphiolepis ‘Snow Maiden’, Rhaphiolepis ‘Pink Lady’, Rhaphiolepis ‘Ballerina’.

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  • Family Name: Rosaceae
  • Origin: Asia
  • Characteristics:
  • Foliage Colours: Green 
  • Flower Colours: White 
  • Flower Fragrant: No 
  • Flowering Season: Spring/Winter
  • Fruit: Yes 
  • Landscape Use(s): Bird Attracting, Borders / Shrubbery,
    Coastal Garden, Container / Pot, Cottage Garden, Formal
    Garden, Hedging / Screening, Low Water Garden, Mass
    Planting, Topiary / Espalier
  • Pest & Diseases: Generally Trouble Free
  • Plant Care: Annual Slow Release Fertiliser
  • Requirements:
  • Growth Rate: Moderate
  • Maintenance Level: Low
  • Water Usage: Low
  • Tolerances:
  • Drought: High
  • Frost: High
  • Wind: High
  • Cultural Notes:  Prefers well drained soils with added compost in full sun. Will tolerate coastal winds and frosts. Try not to disturb the root
    system. Prune to shape after flowering in Spring and apply annual fertiliser.