The Shrubbery

Angelica ‘Vicar’s Mead’ 200mm pot PERENNIAL HERBACEOUS


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Angelica is a genus of plants that includes both edible and ornamental species. Here are some horticultural notes on the genus Angelica:

Growing conditions: Angelica plants prefer partial shade to full sun and a moist, fertile soil. They are generally hardy and can tolerate a range of temperatures.

Soil: Angelica plants prefer a moist, fertile soil that is well-draining. A mixture of compost and sand can be added to the soil to improve drainage and fertility.

Watering: Angelica plants require regular watering to keep the soil moist, especially during dry periods.

Fertilization: Angelica plants can benefit from regular fertilization with a balanced fertilizer. Organic fertilizers, such as compost or aged manure, can also be used to improve soil fertility.

Propagation: Angelica plants can be propagated by seed or by division in the spring or fall. Seeds should be sown in a well-draining soil mix and kept moist until germination.

Pruning: Angelica plants do not require regular pruning, but can be deadheaded to encourage new growth and a longer flowering season.

Pests and diseases: Angelica plants are generally resistant to pests and diseases, but can be susceptible to powdery mildew and root rot in humid conditions.

Uses: Angelica plants are commonly used in herbal medicine, as the roots, leaves, and stems contain compounds that are believed to have medicinal properties. They are also used as a flavoring agent in food and beverages, particularly in Scandinavian and Russian cuisine. Ornamental varieties of Angelica are also grown for their attractive flowers and foliage, and are commonly used in borders and wildflower gardens.

Varieties: There are several different species and cultivars of Angelica, with varying sizes, colors, and textures. Some popular varieties include A. archangelica, A. gigas, and A. sylvestris.